10 weeks
We cannot believe we are 10 weeks pregnant with twins!!
It has been a long road! We are healthy and so very happy.
I had my first OB appointment last week and all looks perfect with the babies. They are growing as they should and their heartbeats look strong.
According to my pregnancy apps they now look like little tiny babies 👶 ! They looked like little aliens before 10 weeks. Lol
I have still been very nauseous and getting migraines. Spotting has lightened up A Lot!!
I am so tired during the day, but overall I am great. Now that I know I am pretty much in the clear, a lot of anxiety has lifted off of my shoulders. At this point there is less than a 5% chance of miscarriage. Which is amazing!
My OB said I still am high risk for certain things. I am sure one is my age, and another because I am carrying twins. He told me to take it easy for the next 3 weeks and check my blood pressure every day until my next appointment so he can see the readings. It was slightly elevated at my appointment. I told him it was because I was so nervous. I didn’t know if he would automatically put me on bed rest or no work and I was kind of worried. But, I have been monitoring my blood pressure daily and it has been low, not high. So we are pleased with that. He also wants me to watch my weight of course. I haven’t gained any yet. The fertility specialist told him I should see a MFM, which is a high risk obstetrician. I asked him what he thought. And he said at this point not yet. I am good with that.
We did do an ultrasound but I forgot to ask for a picture. 😐 It’s amazing how much they grow at this stage. So exciting!!
We are just getting the nursery ready now and staying healthy. I should say Jay is getting the nursery ready and I am staying healthy. Lol I love seeing how excited Jay is! I’ve focused on how much I have wanted this my whole life and now I get to see how much he has wanted it also! It makes my heart so happy! 🥰❤️
I am starting to show a little bit. Probably not from other people’s view, but my pants don’t want to button. Lol. I have to start trying on maternity pants now. I did not expect that this early. 🤰🏼
I will be 12 weeks at my next OB appointment. I am hoping the nausea will lighten up a ton and I hope to at least get a little energy boost at that point. 🤞 But, either way I will not complain because it is all worth it!
Thank you all for all of your support! It really did help us get to this point. ❤️😘🥰🙏🤰🏼💗💕😍
I’ll update after my next appointment and hopefully with an ultrasound picture. 😃👶👶