How To Start

make it happen notebook, pen and phone fertility

How To Start

I am not really sure I know what I’m getting into by setting up this blog. Lol I can’t even seem to get the layout of this thing right. It is more complicated than I thought and expected. That’s ok, I’ll get used to it and just update everyone on this journey we are going to take with you. 😃

Jay and I are getting married on January 12th, 2019. We have been together for 5 years now.   After a short amount of time that we were together we both knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other. We met each other and have been acquaintances since about 1997. We met in Boca Grande where we both had jobs. It only took 16 years and a couple of broken hearts later; we finally got to know each other better. If you ask me it was all worth it. �😍😍😍❤💕

Since we are both in our 40’s; I am 40 and he is 48, we know not to push this parenting thing off for much longer.

I’ve tried fertility treatments 3 different times in my life. It wasn’t easy. The physical, mental and emotional trauma that My body went through during these treatments is something I wasn’t prepared for. For someone who wants to have a baby with their own body more than anything in this world, and to have no idea what is about to happen!?!? The drugs and appointments, and ups and downs, it all took a toll on me. Especially when the only thing I ended up with was the debt I created, the heartache of not becoming pregnant and the weight that I gained because I became depressed during the journey.

After each time, I say I am never going to take fertility drugs again. It messed up my mind. I became more cynical each time.  And then time passes and we age. And everyone around my life is getting pregnant, and having babies and their life “starts” for them. It gives me strength to not give up. I am meant to be a Mommy and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to help make that happen.  We are blessed because we have friends that said they would be a surrogate for us-we would only have to pay for the medical portion of it. I couldn’t ask for a better gift, ever!